Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It’s Just Different in South Florida

The weather channel girl has sung its praises every winter season for the past 30+ years that I know of, and God only knows how long before that.

I’m talking about Florida, the Sunshine State, and more specifically South Florida. Great weather is the main reason why people escape to this peninsula, but its the everyday life that keeps people down here longer then their week long getaway allows. I’ve heard of people coming down here for a three day getaway, and never go back – except to pack up their belongings. Not too many places around the country can claim to have thousands of new residents every day.

I’ve been living in south Florida for a bit longer then a decade and it has been an exciting and rewarding experience every step of the way. Put aside the nearly perfect weather along with the long stretches of beach – the nightlife is second to none. Second to maybe New York and Los Angeles, it should come to no surprise why ‘A-listers’ set their sites on coming down to enjoy some fun in the sun.

So, you’ve been hesitating on finding out what the rumor is all about due to some inclement weather that comes around a few times during the year? Since I’ve lived down here there has only been three hurricanes and although they were scary, it comes with the property. The Northeast has snow storms and the Northwest has mudslides. The middle of the country has to deal with tornadoes, and since the hurricane season hasn’t been quite as powerful, the risk is still there. You take the good with the bad while living or visiting Miami.

Another exciting thing about escaping to south Florida is all the difference influences that engulf this area. Food, drink, the different vernacular that people speak, adds to the flair of south Florida. The music seems to get kick started down here before it reaches other parts of the country – so you know that the clubs that line popular Collins Avenue in Miami or the music clubs on Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale are always rippin’ and roarin’. Different cuisine flavors give your taste buds a trip to the tropics and the laid back island drinks complete the transition.

From the time you wake up till the time last call is announced, south Florida brings fantastic adventure on both land and water. Sunset cruises allow you to witness one of natures most beautiful spectacles. You like out door activities? There are more golf courses per squre mile then most places in the country and that’s just the beginning.

People from all walks of life visit this salty piece of land. I suppose that adds to the diversity that is south Florida living. There is more then a handful of things to do and experience which makes sense why there are so many people that vacation down here and don’t leave. There is nothing quite like being able to throw on a pair of shorts, a cotton shirt and a pair of Kino flip-flops and waive good-bye to that cabin fever lifestyle that has plagued the rest of the country.

Miami Hotels Collins Avenue

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